Hallelujah Hive offers our pure organic maple syrup.  We wanted only the finest and our searching found it at the small family owned Green Wind Farm. Seth and his parents pride themselves in creating the maple syrup as close to the old fashioned way as possible.


Green wind Farm


· Green Wind Farm has 3,500 taps. They make 600 to 1,000 gallons of maple syrup each year. They use both horses and pipeline to gather their sap.

· All syrup has been "hot packed". This means that the syrup can be stored at room temperature until the container is opened. Then we recommend that the syrup, if in cans, be transferred to a glass container and then be refridgerated.

· You might see some precipitate settling in the bottom of the glass jars. This is naturally occuring minerals (niter) that are drawn out of the syrup by the heatring of the syrup during the packing process. Felt and rayon filters are used on our maple syrup. Other filtering systems use a filter aid to remove the niter.

· Did you know that pure maple syrup is good for the heart?! Maple syrup is high in the minerals manganese and zinc.







Walking to the maple trees on Green Wind Farm, April, 2009



Green Wind Farm Maple Syrup

Quart size ($27.50 + $3 extra  S&H fee for extra weight )


Green Wind Farm Maple Syrup

8 oz size  (8oz  bottles are slightly different than above) ($12 + $1 extra

S&H)  ......................................$13.00

Out of Stock

Green Wind Farm Maple Syrup

Pint size  ($16.00 + $1.50 extra S&H fee for extra weight )


Send mail to HallelujahHive@epix.net with questions or comments about this web site, or call (570)-401-1353.

Copyright © 2024 Hallelujah Hive

Last Modified:  April 5, 2024